Monday, September 24, 2012

Will We Have a Winner This Month?

Well...that depends on you! There are two ways to enter: make an order in my shop OR put a few dollars in the yarn fund!

What's the prize? It's anything you want it to be! A purse, a hat, gloves, a free-form purple lips pillow, a bouquet of roses...the choices are as infinitely unique as you are.

Remember, you can only win if you take a chance on the raffle.

The raffle is drawn via's number system on the last day of the month. I give everyone a number, in no particular order, then set it from 1 to whatever the highest number is. I hit your number, you win!

This is to remind everyone that if you enter with a dollar, you just might win something worth much more. :)

I'll do the yarn review this week, and hopefully I can report a winner there as well!

I forgot to take a photo, but Brandon was nice enough to do a review! Go check him out and give him a view. He talks about alot of things, and is fun to watch!

(url link just in case this goes down: )