At the beginning of the month I started the scarf you saw. It's done now(it was completely redone). Once I submit it to the contest I will post an image here. I also was able to go to Michael's again the Sunday before this one, and pick up two more balls of yarn. I've been completely busy, and here's the breakdown:
A skull cap. This one was done using the honeycomb stitch and basic ribbing stitch. Believe it or not this one can be worn easily by a man without having to be rolled up or corrected...but the ears are exposed.
A teddy bear using scrap yarn, amigurumi style. He was alot of fun to create. I made one of my friends a mew(a pokemon) using this style of crocheting.(front/side)
The mini skull cap(I've gotten quite a few compliments on this one haha)
The top of the cap.
If you'd like to know how the cap was made let me's actually a really simple and fun pattern.
(Review time! Loops & Threads)
During these two weeks I got better acquainted with Impeccable from Loops&Threads. The caps I made were incredibly soft, and the price point is great, about 2 dollars for 268 yards(245meters). The thing I loved the most about this yarn was the richness of the colors and the texture. It wasn't super silky like Vanna's yarn, but it still could hold its own as something you want close to your skin. I found the oddest thing with this yarn is how quickly I knit up both projects. Tinking didn't leave any permanent marks in the yarn, and it took to being balled quite well.
Price:4/5(pretty inexpensive)
Color:5/5(diverse colors; deep colors)
Ease of use:5/5(knits up much quicker, easy to crochet as well)
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