Saturday, February 25, 2012

Yarning and Some Great News!

(Some "personal" stuff)I've been quite busy, so please forgive the lateness of this post. I'm still looking for a legitimate job, but I haven't given up. I know that my skills are useful! In the meantime I have been trying to make some inroads to get my adult life started(woohoo!)

Boy oh boy when I said I was busy I wasn't kidding. I've found this rather nifty website where I can raffle off some of my scarves, if you're curious check it out here:! My name there is the same one here: Elizabeth Hamilton!

As time goes on I will be deciding if I will continue to use this avenue to sell my items! Here's a taste of what I've been up to since you last saw me(warning picture bomb!).

A close up look at the cowl I made as a gift for someone that donated yarn to me.
Some knitting markers I made. You can get them here:
A scarf with a fun button on it. It sits comfortably on you and is an easy way to wear a scarf without having to deal with long billowy scarves!
A 100% wool neck warmer. It can easily become a hood if necessary. This piece is very elastic, despite how tight it appears. I made one for myself, and I have to say that I would love to make a ton more of these. It's a convenient way to keep yourself warm, and cover your head during those unexpected snow or rainshowers.

On with today's review!
(Review time! Lion brand: Homespun Yarn Wildfire)
Ever enjoy watching a candle flicker gently while chilling out in the bathtub? Cuddling up to the fireplace after a long and fun day of playing in the snow? Some of the best things happen when you're next to fire. I felt very strongly about the oranges, blues and the strong yellow streak that went through the middle. As I knit up my project(using the pattern from last month) I found myself thinking about my happy memories with my family, with my dad grabbing a log from out back and chucking it into the fire.

This yarn was sumptuous. When I unknit it, to test for tinking(frogging)I found that it had a little trouble and started kinking and "breaking" in some spaces. I lost a bit of the yellow string but otherwise I enjoyed the way the product works up. I tried crocheting it, but to me it would work better as a knit piece.
Lion brand Homespun Yarn:
Softness:5/5(a little rough,but plush when crocheted up)
Price:4/5(the price is pretty good)
Ease of use: 3/5(no auto-knitting on this one or you'll drop a few!)

Stay tuned for more "recent" brands of yarn. I might even do a "retro brand" review...because who doesn't love the long gone colors of yesteryear? :)

What have you been looking forward to making this year? Why?

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Seeking yarn brands to review

I'm open for reviews this year. I will have twenty two slots open this year. If you have a product you would like to be reviewed please send me an e-mail and we can go from there!

I am looking to review:
crochet hooks
products to make knitting and crochet easier
yarn ballers(electric and hand crank)
knitting instructional materials
crocheting instructional materials

I want to review your best. So if you're interested please send me an email :)

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Happy Birthday, and some Fun updates!

(some real life stuff, because I'm a human not a robot)Today I rode the local bus system to figure out how to get up to Alexandria. My dad let me know there's an easier way, and I might just do that instead tomorrow. Why you might ask? Well I have an interview, and I am hopeful that this will either lead to a career start or just an informative lesson on what I need to improve.

(back to your regularly scheduled Sweet Yarn)
Remember that scarf I was telling you about? It's done! And I submitted the project to Lion Brand's contest. Here's a picture of it below:

I've also been working on some things while I was away. Say hello to the "tea mug" complete with handle and tea inside!(another project I submitted to their contest.)

I'm also working on a blanket, and it has two more skeins of yarn left to complete it. I'll show you once it's done, but so far I've got: seed stitch, bamboo stitch, grape seed stitch(modified), and the herringbone stitch. I have to say, the herringbone stitch is one of the more challenging stitches I've done so far.

I'm going to show you a stitch I made up today(late last night really) using a 100% wool yarn! I will call it the Lady Lace stitch(instructions after the review)

(Review time! Bernat brand: Handicrafter Cotton Yarn Calla Lily)
Boy oh boy was this yarn a soft one. As I was crocheting my scarf I found that it was easy to use, and it didn't leave my hands feeling sore, as with a lower quality yarn. What I loved most about this one is the color variations. It seamlessly went from green to white to dark green. It was a fun and funky addition to my project. One thing: I wish the yarn didn't need to be washed would be more cost effective for me if the finished product could be tossed in with some jeans or my regular laundry. Ah well, beauty has it's costs, and for Bernat's's totally worth it! Since I got this huge pound of yarn(608 yards,WOW) I was able to make a very sassy scarf, and it could double as a shawl on those fun nights out with friends(or a date).

The pattern on the label was for a handbag AND a towel.

Bernat Handicrafter Yarn:
Softness:3/5(a little rough,but plush when crocheted up)
Price:5/5(the price is better then getting two separate skeins;wait for a sale)
Color:4/5(colorfastness is uncertain,hasn't been washed)
Ease of use:5/5(crochets up smoothly and isn't a stress on my hands when balled)

Now for that pattern:
Lady Lace Stitch
This stitch is done in sets of 2. So whatever you end on make it even.
Keep the project in your left hand as you work. You should be seeing the front on row 1 in the left, and the back of row 2 in the left. Of course if you're a lefty knitter then do the opposite but same thing.
Row 1 Yarn over(YO); knit 2 together(repeat these two steps to the end)
Row 2 Purl; slip the YO to the working needle

repeat this pattern. You should be seeing something like this:



As for the yarn I used? Stay tuned. I'm going to review it very soon ;)