Saturday, February 25, 2012

Yarning and Some Great News!

(Some "personal" stuff)I've been quite busy, so please forgive the lateness of this post. I'm still looking for a legitimate job, but I haven't given up. I know that my skills are useful! In the meantime I have been trying to make some inroads to get my adult life started(woohoo!)

Boy oh boy when I said I was busy I wasn't kidding. I've found this rather nifty website where I can raffle off some of my scarves, if you're curious check it out here:! My name there is the same one here: Elizabeth Hamilton!

As time goes on I will be deciding if I will continue to use this avenue to sell my items! Here's a taste of what I've been up to since you last saw me(warning picture bomb!).

A close up look at the cowl I made as a gift for someone that donated yarn to me.
Some knitting markers I made. You can get them here:
A scarf with a fun button on it. It sits comfortably on you and is an easy way to wear a scarf without having to deal with long billowy scarves!
A 100% wool neck warmer. It can easily become a hood if necessary. This piece is very elastic, despite how tight it appears. I made one for myself, and I have to say that I would love to make a ton more of these. It's a convenient way to keep yourself warm, and cover your head during those unexpected snow or rainshowers.

On with today's review!
(Review time! Lion brand: Homespun Yarn Wildfire)
Ever enjoy watching a candle flicker gently while chilling out in the bathtub? Cuddling up to the fireplace after a long and fun day of playing in the snow? Some of the best things happen when you're next to fire. I felt very strongly about the oranges, blues and the strong yellow streak that went through the middle. As I knit up my project(using the pattern from last month) I found myself thinking about my happy memories with my family, with my dad grabbing a log from out back and chucking it into the fire.

This yarn was sumptuous. When I unknit it, to test for tinking(frogging)I found that it had a little trouble and started kinking and "breaking" in some spaces. I lost a bit of the yellow string but otherwise I enjoyed the way the product works up. I tried crocheting it, but to me it would work better as a knit piece.
Lion brand Homespun Yarn:
Softness:5/5(a little rough,but plush when crocheted up)
Price:4/5(the price is pretty good)
Ease of use: 3/5(no auto-knitting on this one or you'll drop a few!)

Stay tuned for more "recent" brands of yarn. I might even do a "retro brand" review...because who doesn't love the long gone colors of yesteryear? :)

What have you been looking forward to making this year? Why?

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