Friday, December 23, 2011

An introduction, and a Dream

Howdy! If you happen to read anything on this page then you've managed to find my journal. In it I will be placing my knitting projects(photos,and even instructions on how to do my stitch should I wish), in all its working and unworking stitches.

I will be writing about my frustrations and joys when I stitch, knit and crochet.

I will also place things I'm selling in my shop here. With any luck I can change the background to something more fitting(colorwise) to the theme I want.

My name is Elizabeth, and I find yarnworking to be a fun past-time.

This year I decided 2012 will be the year I win 5 contests for my yarnwork. I'm making up stitches and reading how to do other stitches all the time, so it'd be AWESOME to win a prize for it! :)