Thursday, May 31, 2012

Purses, Purses and Purses

Hello everyone! I finished making some wonderful purses. Once I get a few more I will start listing them in earnest. Right now I just want to get a few various purses as a stock. They will probably be first come first serve(OOAK), and probably one of a kind colors, as the yarn I currently have in stock is all vintage(I'm talking 20+ years of age)!

The moment you all have been waiting for:
Warning! Picture Bomb:

Bolero(this is the subject of today's review! My camera skills could use some work on this one...)

Purses in various forms of completion

insilk Review(Schoppel Wolle IN Silk:worsted weight, Silk/Wool!) Image from: em out and say thanks!)

Wow...what to say about this yarn. Well for starters it's amazingly soft and warm. Pure luxury yarn. When I first changed it from a skein to a ball, I found that it was easily twining. To wind I actually use a large plastic rubbish bin turned upside down. The wide end creates a nice spot for the yarn to sit while I handwind it. It didn't mind me winding it as other yarn brands did, and it also didn't kink up like I honestly expected it to. 

This yarn was sexy to knit with. The Schoppel Wolle IN Silk actually has an oval shape to it, which is crazy unique from what I've seen! It was smooth, gentle and made a soft hissing noise when it turned into the bolero.  It was awesome to use and a fun 3AM partner. I've even got a small ball of it left...wonder what it would like to be turned into? :) I just want to use it all up, as it's so beautiful and REAL, much like the lemon yellow yarn I told you about earlier.

Softness:5/5(plush from skein to finished product)
Price:1/5(17-30 dollars per skein! Yikes! 225yards; so buy if in your price range)
Ease of use: 5/5(It's great if you love low effort yarn with a gentle feel to it, cast off and knit away)

Hey, if you're aware of my Facebook page, I'd strongly suggest getting back in touch with it. I'm doing some small trivia questions, and the winner gets a nice prize. :)
 Sweet Yarn on Facebook

If you would like to give me a tip to support the purchasing of yarn/supplies, or  you just like the blog, please feel free to tip/donate to me! :) Even a dollar helps! All goes towards the yarn fund <3

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Update on the Review Status

We only have 13 spots left, so if you are interested in me reviewing your products OR giving them away to my readers, please don't wait too much longer. :) You can easily reach me at ehamiltondesign-at-gmaildotcom(please put in the appropriate dot and at sign respectively).

I am looking for:
Knitting or crochet hooks
products to make knitting and crochet easier
Novelty Yarn or New Product
yarn ballers(electric and hand crank)
knitting instructional materials
crocheting instructional materials

If possible send two, so I can do giveaways! :) Thanks!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Guess What's Coming to Knitter!

*I'm about to go to college again, in hopes of improving my job skill set. Let's hope it not only boosts my knowledge, but offers me a new field of open, unclaimed jobs like I haven't seen before lol*
That's right! The yarn I won is here! It got here right on schedule...actually ahead of schedule. I was fully expecting the post to take 8-10 days to get it here. Boys n' girls do we have a nice lot of yarn to review! I plan on reviewing the first of the batch in the second update(aka next post).

I'm still trying to get to work for me...I asked the staff questions, but I really wasn't told anything substantial as to why I cannot directly list. If this continues, and it's not just me...this could be a bad sign for the site. I hope they aren't trying to cut corners and in the process cut sellers a bad deal. I sincerely hope that isn't the case, because it's a decent website, and I've managed to get a few items sold that otherwise would have sat in inventory(you know the odds and ends a shop gathers every once and awhile).

RIGHT! You wanted to see the yarn didn't you? Haha, no I didn't forget, honest ;)
(the first sight of the yarn after nudging open the box. It was well packed, and ensured nothing would be coming out/moved before it got to me@sweetyarn)

(the yarn out in the open. Oooooh eyelash, thick and orange! I haven't seen pumpkin orange yarn in awhile!)

Everybody please, when you can, send a big old thank you to Dull Roar for even offering the opportunity! :)

Stay tuned, next time we meet we've gotta talk about one of the yarns I won, and maybe discuss what I did with it(if I'm that quick on the draw).